Today, Saturday July 20th, a group of Turkish-American protestors gathered in Union Square in Manhattan, NYC, to protest against Gulen and Gulen Charter Schools. People gathered with Turkish flags, American flags and protest signs, handing out printed information to those who were interested in what it was all about.
The opening paragraph of the information being handed out reads: "Stop supporting Gulen owned charter school scheme with your tax money! Are you really fine with this man's cult being responsible for our children's education? Who is Fethulla Gulen? A retired imam from Turkey, in self imposed exile, who considers himself a prophet. He owns hundreds of charter schools, non-profit organizations as well as business networks in America. Gülen portrays himself as a reformist and advocate for tolerance, a catalyst of "moderate Islam." In his country, Turkey, he is one of the most controversial names ever. His cult like movement started in Turkey over 40 years ago and is similar to the one in the US. His critics have been killed or jailed in the past in Turkey (coincidentally?). On the other hand, he is somehow portraying himself as an intellectual, scholar, and educator even though his formal education is limited to five years of elementary school."

© Anna Fawcus 2013

© Anna Fawcus 2013

© Anna Fawcus 2013

© Anna Fawcus 2013

© Anna Fawcus 2013